afghanistan peace dove
News from Afghanistan
UN News page on Afghanistan a humanitarian crisis!

These pictures and many more are from the Photo Gallery at courtesy of RAWA
Please visit and support these brave women working for peace and justice!
afghan women & children
Refugees in tents
Afghan refugees among the largest and most forgotten groups of refugees in the world today. Most of them live in miserable conditions in makeshift refugee camps. AWM is assisting relief efforts in the camps by raising funds for the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) who help the refugees with healthcare and basic survival needs.
Malalai Hospital
Malalai Hospital
Founded and administered by the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, Malalai Hospital was opened in 1986 in Quetta, Pakistan for the purposes of providing health care to a large Afghan refugee population. It served some 400 patients per day, some of whom traveled from Afghanistan. It closed in 1996, but the Afghan Women's Mission is raising funds to reopen it. They have a neat fundraising packet at their website for you to use at your local events.
living in tents
Jalozai Refugee Camp
Jalozai camp has no water, food or sanitation facilities. At night the temperature can drop to freezing.
      Since the hospital closed, RAWA brings mobile medical teams to the camps.
Afghan Women
Afghan Women coming for blankets
RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, was established in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1977 as an independent political/social organization of Afghan women fighting for human rights and for social justice in Afghanistan. The founders were a number of Afghan woman intellectuals under the sagacious leadership of Meena who in 1987 was assassinated in Quetta, Pakistan, by Afghan agents of the then KGB.
Afghan Widow
Afghan Widow
A widow in Yakawlang. Taliban killed her husband in a recent massacre. The people of Yakawlang have been devastated by the massacre of 300 town residents in January, 2001
June 2001 - Yakawlang, a town in central Afghanistan which formerly held 60,000 residents, has been completely destroyed by Taliban forces. Most of Yakawlang's residents are now believed to be in the mountains without food or water. Some have managed to make it to Pakistan and are in desperate need of help.
Please make a generous donation today. Make checks payable to "SEE/Afghan Women's Mission." Be sure to write "Yakawlang" in the memo section of the check. Your donation will be used to provide shelter, health care, food and other basic necessities for these people.
Afghan girl
Afghan girl
Mail checks to:
Afghan Women's Mission
260 S. Lake Avenue PMB 165
Pasadena, CA 91101 USA

An Afghan-American speaks:
"You can't bomb us back into the Stone Age. We're already there. But you can start a new world war, and that's exactly what Osama bin Laden wants..."
a thought-provoking letter by Tamim Ansary, the son of a former Afghani politician.
Asra Nomani has hired Asra Nomani as their news correspondent in Pakistan. She is an Indian-born Muslim, but grew up in Morgantown, W.Va., where her father helped start Morgantown's only mosque. Her first story is about visiting her Grandma in Pakistan. I hope she sends more news soon! Asra veiled