Goddess Artifacts Source Images

Images redrawn by Susan Baylies with permission from Marija Gimbutas; from her excellent book, The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, University of California Press, 1982.

Yugoslavia, 5000 B.C. Classical Vinca water bird.

Yugoslavia, 6000 B.C. Early Vinca pottery lid.

Greece, 2000 B.C. Minoan Goddess painted on leg of altar table.

Macedonia, 5200 B.C. Early Vinca head of Bird Goddess.

Soviet Moldavia, 4000 B.C. Late Cucuteni terracotta figurine

Western Ukraine, 5500 B.C. Cucuteni Snake or Bird Goddess

Syros, 3000 B.C. Cycladic marble figurine.

Hacilar, Anatolia, 6000 B.C. Goddess holding leopard cub.

East Balkan civilization, 4500 B.C. Bull vase or oil lamp.

East Balkan civilization, 4500 B.C. Goddess holding pan-pipe.